The Healer’s Companion

Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni

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Laughing Womyn is a truly masterful healer who embodies everything she shares in this amazing treasure chest of a book!

BRET & CHRISTINE EARTHEART ~ Founders of the Center for Thriving Relationships

The Healer’s Companion by Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni is a thorough and practical guide for those in the healing arts or for those who wish to develop the skills of healing. This book guides the reader on a journey of discovery through the many aspects of being a healer. It provides powerful tools that encourage clarity and safety for healing the self and others and takes your hand as you walk step-by-step through real-life examples. 

The author’s decades of personal experience and wisdom shine through as she shares her knowledge, understanding, and experience. If you are on the healing path, this book is sure to become a source of inspiration and wisdom, and it will tremendously enrich your life. I have been a professional healer for the past 20+ years and I have learned so much from what is shared in this book.

Don’t pass this book by; it’s well worth your time.

MATECE SKOW ~ ERYT-500 Founder of Nourishing Heart Yoga

In an era when social media tells emerging healers that their validity is in the number of their followers, The Healer's Companion calls its readers to the heart and integrity of this sacred work. Laughing Womyn shares tried and true wisdom and healing techniques that hold healers to a grounded way of being in this world as they tend to the expansion and wholeness of humanity.  

MELISSA LARIMER ~ LMT, Perinatal Support Provider & Spiritual Mentor

Praise for The Healer’s Companion

All content copyright 2021 Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni

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