The Healer’s Companion

Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni

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Wholeness is normal and inherent in all beings.

Approaching healing from the perspective that wholeness includes everything makes space for the well-being of all without requiring the exclusion or destruction of any.

Most of us are accustomed to living through the lenses of compromise or winners and losers. This is fragmentation. When you’re in situations where you tend toward compromise or win/lose, try this on instead, “All that I want and need includes each of us having all that each of us wants and needs.” Wholeness makes space for everyone and everything to live the fullness of their own being.

Living the wholeness you want to help others achieve is a beautiful gift to yourself. Don’t try to live every moment perfectly. Don’t “try” anything. Just lovingly accept no excuses from yourself for indulging in unkindness – toward you or anyone else. When you have days or moments in which you’re out of balance, wrap those experiences in unconditional love and let that love guide you into doing whatever will restore wholeness for you and everyone who was impacted by you. Trust yourself with this – your heart does know how to do it.

See everyone, including you, as right, equal, and fully empowered. See all forms of life this way – whether they’re physical or spiritual. Interact with each being from the foundation that they’re wise, loving, and the final authority on their own life. The process for developing this perspective is simply to consciously choose it and keep choosing it again and again until it’s your natural foundation.

Every experience we have becomes a permanent part of our being. Because of this, wholeness is maintained by synthesizing and embracing every experience we have. The way to completely heal from difficult experiences is to give them permission to fulfill their purpose and become the fullness of their beauty. This allows those experiences to become part of our beauty rather than being unwelcome things we wish had never happened. A good way to do this is to love yourself absolutely and unconditionally.

Let yourself see the beauty in all imbalances and enjoy the humor in them when they show up. We often overlook the synchronicity or the goofiness of timing, location, content, or impact when we encounter or create an imbalance. When we’re open to the beauty, we can see some amazing results from the imbalance.

When we’re open to the humor, we can see ways to lighten the impact and maybe even relax into the situation rather than resist it.

Please remember that you know what wholeness looks like for you and you don’t know what it looks like for others. You can help others discover their own wholeness. You can tell or show them what you understand it to be. You can inspire them to create it for themselves. You’ll never know all the pieces that are needed for another person to live their wholeness. Only they can recognize what will bring the fullness of beauty to all levels of their being and only they can live that.

Simple Things You Can Do to Affirm Wholeness

♥ Listen to your body wisdom.

♥ Compliment people.

♥ Live your own definition of success. Don’t try to live someone else’s definition; you’re not here doing the same thing they’re doing.

♥ Encourage yourself and everyone else to think for themselves.

♥ Give yourself and everyone you encounter permission to be who they see themselves being.

♥ Smile at other people and look them in the eyes.

♥ Speak your truth.

♥ Live your truth.

♥ Give your heart and mind permission to lead the way together.

♥ Live according to your own sense of integrity.

♥ Choose to align with fear in ways that enhance your well-being. Fear is our biological warning about impending physical danger. It’s very inaccurate when we use it to warn ourselves about potential emotional, ideological, or spiritual challenges.

♥ Choose to remember we’re all connected – what each of us does impacts  everyone else.

♥ Choose to do things that expand your well-being while they’re expanding  the well-being of everyone else.

♥ Choose to refrain from doing things that expand your well-being while diminishing the well-being of others. Choose to refrain from doing things that expand the well-being of others while diminishing your well-being.

♥ Find ways to create win-win in all situations. If even one person impacted is dissatisfied, that’s one too many.

♥ Recognize when enough is enough. There isn’t a need to have it all, be it all, keep it forever or experience it all. Choose to be consciously aware of when you’ve fulfilled your connection with anything, and stop there.

A Word of Encouragement

If you’re new to experiencing life through the perspectives presented in this book, be patient with your growing awareness. You may find things here that take awhile to absorb and understand. A good way to work with this is to read a bit, pause for awhile and let it start settling in, then read some more. You’ll understand some of the information more fully as your mind has time to play with it, some as you read further in the book, and some as you experiment with it. Trust yourself and your process with this.

All content copyright 2021 Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni

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